Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Pirate and the Cowboy

We are having a lazy morning. We were planning to go to church but.... Mark hurt his knee last week and woke up with it all swollen this AM. We were trying to figure out if we should go to urgent care or not. We decided to wait till the morning and call the Dr. He is layin on the couch being a couch potatoe and putting ice on his knee. Grayson woke up in a bad mood throwing MAJOR tantrums. The laying in the floor, kicking, snot all over his face kind. It just hasn't gone so well. So now we are watching Kung Fu Panda and waiting for Grayson's bed clothes and blankie to dry so he can take a nap (he peed the bed).

The kids have been playing dress up and this is how Caroline came out this morning. She was a princess before this but wouldn't let me get a picture.

Grayson is wearing his Texas Ranger badge and his cowboy shirt (says "Get off your horse and drink your milk").

Nap time can't get here too soon. I am venturing to Wal-mart to get Mark a wrap thing for his knee while they nap. Wal-Mart with no kids YEA!!!


jennifer said...

Hooray for shopping with no kiddos!

I bought my sling on etsy. The name of the store is small wish. I like it a lot so far. My only problem with it is that Charlie was so small when he was born that he's just now fitting into it well. I put Avery in it the other day when we went shopping and she loved it. I wished I had it while I was pregnant. It would have made it much easier to carry her around!

My friend just bought a ring sling from a store on esty called Raspberry Baby (i think). It looks super cute. I think that she wanted something that could be used as a nursing cover-up too. She also says that it takes longer for her to lose her baby weight, so she wanted a sling that could adjust more.

Happy shopping!!!

Pretty Organizer said...

Just wanted to pop by and say hello! I saw you on my blog and wanted to introduce myself:)

First, you kiddos look like they need to be put on labels as the new Cambells Soup kids! Soo darling. What a fun mommy job you have to wake up to those cuties!

I'm a mom of 6 in AZ trying to keep my nose above the water and manage life (aren't we all.) I too love chocolate, and cooking and scrapbooking- though I don't have time much anymore. I do get moments to sneak to Barnes and Noble for some Chocolate in their cafe with girlfriends... not often but always when needed.

Good to meet you! I look forward to stopping by again!
Pretty Organizer